
Showing posts from July, 2022

take heed to what is important

Then he said to the crowd, “Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one’s life does not consist of possessions.”   Luke 12:15 Reflecting on today's Gospel is a powerful message on what is important to you.  Family, house, friends or possessions, understand God created all things.  God needs to be first and foremost in every aspect of your life, the first person you acknowledge in the morning and the last you thank before youl ay your head to rest.  We were created in the image and likeness of God. We all have been given talent from God to use for the betterment of society.  We do not work to store up treasures here on earth we are to work to store up the treasures for heaven.  The material things of this world expire, but the enternal things you create will never expire.  The biggest treasure we have is our charity.  "Man has a beautiful duty and obligation: to pray and to love. If you pray and love, you will have found happiness in this world.” St. J

Understanding what you need

There is need of only one thing.  Luke 10:42 In today's Gospel it is not that Martha chose the wrong thing, it is that Mary chose the better thing.  The chores and the service are still things that need to be done.  Reflecting on this makes me think of our house and how things build up because I do not prioritize to get the things done that we need to so things become more chaotic than what they have to.  Everything we do today moves at the speed of light, we find out things that happened before the whole story has played itself out.  We spend to much time behind our electronic devices hopeful that it will give us the relief we need.  When truth be told there is actually one thing we need.  Until you understand the one thing that is the source of true happiness, you will struggle to find the true meaning in your life. St. Augustine said, 'our heart is restless until it rests in you'.  Those words hold a lot of meaning in that one thing.  We seek comfort in the presence of J

The yoke of Jesus is light

For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.  Mathew 11:30   If you struggle daily to do what is morally right even when those around you take shortcuts, then come to Jesus. If the life of selfish pleasure and illicit gain seems exceedingly attractive, then come to Jesus. If you are burdened with your patterns of sin and weaknesses of character that affect your vocation as a spouse, a parent, a friend, or simply being Christian, then come to Jesus. If life seems unfair and God seems distant, then come to Jesus. He calls us not to a set of principles and noble ideals, but to his very person. We do not follow rules for the sake of rules; we follow Jesus. Only when we have first come to him will we understand the need for the rules which simply help protect the dignity of the relationship you have with him. Jesus invites us to be yoked with him, to unite our life with his life, our will with his will, and our heart with his heart. To be yoked with Jesus is to be united with him in a relation

Speak from the heart

Jesus said to his Apostles: “Behold, I am sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and simple as doves.   Mathew 10:16 Today's Gospel is as true Today as it was over 2000 years ago.  We live in a world were our Catholic faith is being attacked from all sides as well as internally.  Jesus assures us not to worry about what to say or how to speak, trust in the Holy Spirit to guide your words, for Jesus says, 'when they hand you over, do not worry about how you are to speak or what you are to say. You will be given at that moment what you are to say.'  Mathew 10:19.  If you speak from the heart with love foremost, you will be listening to the Holy Spirit.  Jesus never painted the picture that life would he easy if we followed him, but what he did say was that we would be rewarded for our efforts, if they were true to his teachings.  'whoever endures to the end will be saved'.  Mathew 10:22. He told us to be shrewd, which means 'having


The crowds were amazed and said, “Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel.” But the Pharisees said, “He drives out demons by the prince of demons.”  Mathew 9:34 In the 'me culture' of today's society we fail to recognize Jesus.  There is so much ridicule that happens for one good thing that people fail to appreciate the good.  'If I appreciate that what will people say about me?'  Jesus did not care what people said, He continued on to complete his mission to the other towns and villages.  We live in a 'me culture' where we look at situations that happen around us and we ask what is in it for me, not what can I do to help.  We definitely do not live in a JOY filled world where Jesus is first, Others are second, and Yourself last.  Jesus did not let the doubt of the Pharisees dimish his message he was sent to bring.  He called for the master to send more laborers for the harvest.  There are people waiting to be invited, be strong in your faith.  The