The crowds were amazed and said,
“Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel.”
But the Pharisees said,
“He drives out demons by the prince of demons.”  Mathew 9:34

In the 'me culture' of today's society we fail to recognize Jesus.  There is so much ridicule that happens for one good thing that people fail to appreciate the good.  'If I appreciate that what will people say about me?'  Jesus did not care what people said, He continued on to complete his mission to the other towns and villages.  We live in a 'me culture' where we look at situations that happen around us and we ask what is in it for me, not what can I do to help.  We definitely do not live in a JOY filled world where Jesus is first, Others are second, and Yourself last.  Jesus did not let the doubt of the Pharisees dimish his message he was sent to bring.  He called for the master to send more laborers for the harvest.  There are people waiting to be invited, be strong in your faith.  The Lord invites us to pray that the work of the Gospel may spread throughout the world, so that all may find true joy and freedom in Jesus Christ.   Even to the end Stephanie kept bringing the JOY to everyone she met.

Lord, I bring myself into your presence knowing the zeal of your heart for souls. The glory of your heavenly Father can shape my own heart. I am confident that I can throw off all that is lukewarm and tepid in my own soul today. I desire to fulfill the mission you have given me more perfectly. 



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