
Showing posts from June, 2022

You do not need to change I need to change...

Instead of you posting garbage to try to change the world, why don't you pray to God to change you?  Ask him to start in your soul and then pray to him to change your heart.  Believe me when I tell you, you do not have the ability to change the world, but you do have the ability to change you. Oh God I adore you, I give myself to you, may I be the person you want me to be and may your will be done in my life today....

John the Baptist

When the time arrived for Elizabeth to have her child she gave birth to a son.  Luke 1:57 Today we celebrate the birth of John the Baptist which is the half way point to Christmas.  In his doubt of God's greatness, Zechariah was made deaf and mute for testing God in this announcement by the Angel Gabriel.  This lasted until he attested to the fact of the message from the Angel.  When Zechariah wrote on the tablet, 'John is his name' immediately his mouth was opened.  John which means 'graced by God', was sent as a light for the world to attest to the coming of the Savior.   We all have some of Zechariah's doubt in our lives where we test God to ask him if this is truly the path he wants us to follow.   When our will crosses with the will of God it is then that God's will be done.  John the Baptist was sent to do God's will and as the forerunner for his kingdom.  John's statement still holds true in our lives today, 'we must decrease' - we nee

The Power of the Eucharist

They all ate and were satisfied.  Luke 9:17 When you leave Mass are you satisfied?  Do you feel full?  Jesus is the bread of life broken and shared so that we may never hunger again.  Not only did the five thousand eat and w were full, but they had twelve wicker baskets full of fragments.  The five loaves and two fish that they started with would have filled a quarter of a basket, and there were twelve baskets left which represents the twelve tribes of Israel.  We have the ability to attend Mass everyday to celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, we join in Communion with the church to believe what Jesus did on the Cross was for our sake, for our salvation as we received the Eucharist.  The Mass is our sacrifice where we obstain from eating one hour prior to receiving the Eucharist. I encourage you to look to receive Jesus with same fervor as that with which Mary his Mother did, what would that look like if you came to believe as Mary?  Start by looking to The Holy

No more worry

Jesus said to his disciples: “No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other.   Mathew 6:24.  Today's Gospel is the culmination of the Sermon on the Mount.  What is worry,by definition to allow one's mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles.  When you trust in God to provide you believe that God is bigger than any trouble that stands before you.  Worry gives way to negative thoughts and allow fear, greed and pride to rule our life.  When you follow one Master and believe that God will provide for all that our need, in this thought we increase our faith in a God that will never disappoint.  God will give in abundance all that we need if only we believe. The more you have, the more you want; the less you have the less you need.   If you simplify your life things become easier to attain.   What does Jesus mean when he says two masters?   Money, clothing, prestige, to put it simple anything of this world or God. 


But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil.  Mathew 5:39 How hard is it to give when you know you are being taken advantage of?   In today's Gospel Jesus is teaching us how to be a cheerful giver.  When someone asks for something give them more than they ask, in turn you will change hearts to do the same.  If you don't think of the reward in heaven.   We put to much emphasis on our earthly possessions and do not really understand the rewards of heaven.  While Jesus hung on the Cross, he forgave those who persecuted him, "forgive them Father for they know not what they do."  Luke 23:34. We live in a world that we seek rewards for everything that we do, when we should be striving for the rewards that will come at final judgment, when the things we did in secret will be rewarded.   We also live in a world that wants to destroy the truth, when we need to live by the truth in what Jesus taught, Jesus answered him, “If what I said is wrong, bear witness about

People say

People who say prayer does not work have never truly prayed  People who say Faith is not real have never put their Faith to the test People who say Jesus is not real have never put themselves in front of the Eucharist  People who say Salvation is not real or they are not worried about theirs... are afraid of death

Love Always Wins

Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.  John 21:17 In response to Peter's denial on the night before he died, in today's Gospel Jesus asks Peter three times, "do you love me?"  Peter's response is true to the very existence of God, he does know everything.  It was painful for Peter to hear this from Jesus, but he was not asking this to make him feel bad, he was making a point that I will love you above everything.  No matter what you do in this life, I love you.  Jesus asks us this very same question, "do you love me more than these?".  God's love has no limit for you or for me, he loves you and wants to be with you and is why he ends the conversation with Peter, "Follow Me".  When He asks Peter to follow,  he is saying the same thing to us.  Are you willing to love Him "more than these?"  Are you willing to love more than any of your earthly possessions?  Our pure love is when our will is what God's will is for