No more worry

Jesus said to his disciples: “No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other.   Mathew 6:24. 

Today's Gospel is the culmination of the Sermon on the Mount.  What is worry,by definition to allow one's mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles.  When you trust in God to provide you believe that God is bigger than any trouble that stands before you.  Worry gives way to negative thoughts and allow fear, greed and pride to rule our life.  When you follow one Master and believe that God will provide for all that our need, in this thought we increase our faith in a God that will never disappoint.  God will give in abundance all that we need if only we believe. The more you have, the more you want; the less you have the less you need.   If you simplify your life things become easier to attain.  

What does Jesus mean when he says two masters?   Money, clothing, prestige, to put it simple anything of this world or God.   When you believe that you were not made for this world but for the next will you truly understand what your purpose is in this world.  We are strangers traveling through this world preparing ourselves for our eternal home and final resting place.  God gave us the ability to share what we have to benefit everyone around so everyone may have the same faith that God is the one true master.  It all comes back to obedience and the desire to seek first the kingdom of God, 'Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil'.  Mathew 6:33

If you worry about things change that worry into prayer, from the words of Mother St Teresa of Kolkata: "The fruit of prayer is faith".  Believe God is in charge of every area in your life and your life will become a life worth living. 

My prayer for you today: 
"Lord Jesus, free me from needless worries and help me to put my trust in you. May my first and only concern be for your glory and your kingdom of peace and righteousness. Help me to live each day and moment with trust and gratitude for your providential care for me."


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