John the Baptist

When the time arrived for Elizabeth to have her child she gave birth to a son.  Luke 1:57

Today we celebrate the birth of John the Baptist which is the half way point to Christmas.  In his doubt of God's greatness, Zechariah was made deaf and mute for testing God in this announcement by the Angel Gabriel.  This lasted until he attested to the fact of the message from the Angel.  When Zechariah wrote on the tablet, 'John is his name' immediately his mouth was opened.  John which means 'graced by God', was sent as a light for the world to attest to the coming of the Savior.  

We all have some of Zechariah's doubt in our lives where we test God to ask him if this is truly the path he wants us to follow.   When our will crosses with the will of God it is then that God's will be done.  John the Baptist was sent to do God's will and as the forerunner for his kingdom.  John's statement still holds true in our lives today, 'we must decrease' - we need to rid ourselves of the vices, 'that he may increase' - when we rid ourselves of these vices we need to fill them with God.

There are only three birthdays that are celebrated in the liturgical year; Jesus, Mary and John.  With this we know he holds a significant part of where the start of Jesus's mininstry began.  John points the way our path should take to follow Jesus which includes repentance, to prepare yourself for the coming of God's kingdom.


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