The Power of the Eucharist

They all ate and were satisfied.  Luke 9:17

When you leave Mass are you satisfied?  Do you feel full?  Jesus is the bread of life broken and shared so that we may never hunger again.  Not only did the five thousand eat and w were full, but they had twelve wicker baskets full of fragments.  The five loaves and two fish that they started with would have filled a quarter of a basket, and there were twelve baskets left which represents the twelve tribes of Israel.  We have the ability to attend Mass everyday to celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, we join in Communion with the church to believe what Jesus did on the Cross was for our sake, for our salvation as we received the Eucharist.  The Mass is our sacrifice where we obstain from eating one hour prior to receiving the Eucharist. I encourage you to look to receive Jesus with same fervor as that with which Mary his Mother did, what would that look like if you came to believe as Mary?  Start by looking to The Holy Spirit to continue the ministry of Jesus today through the Body of Christ.

Lord Jesus, may the Eucharist be my power in the battle of life and the power of my intercession for souls. As I receive You in Holy Communion, help me to offer my little sufferings to You for the sake of souls.


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