our belief

For if the mighty deeds done in your midst had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would long ago have repented, sitting in sackcloth and ashes. Mathew 11:21 This message from Jesus written over 2000 years ago still holds true today. Do we live in communities of Chorazin, Bethsida and Capernuam or are we more like Tyre and Sidon? We are ignorant to the words written in the Bible because we feel they were written the people of 2000 years ago. The Bible is alive to as much as it was when Jesus was preaching 2000 years ago. We are a people of Chorazin, Bethesda and Capernuam where the Bible is alive and living among us but we are expecting more miracles or more of something from Jesus that will then make us believe. Our faith comes from his dying on the Cross and three days later his resurrection to new life. We have the ability to accept or reject the teacher, it all depends on what you want to believe. From a meditation of Fr. Basil W. Maturin: “It...