We all must suffer

He said, “The Son of Man must suffer greatly and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed and on the third day be raised.” Luke 9: 18 - 22

Jesus asked to questions in today's Gospel, "who do people say that I am?" and "who do you say that I am?".

If the answer for these two questions do not align with each other what are you doing to bring them together?  But we first must ask ourselves are we walking with Jesus Christ in our life or is he on the other side of the street?  Are we 'yoked' with Jesus in our journey through life carrying the cross that was assigned to us.  When your will crosses with God's will, you must decide to walk in God's path of mercy or to struggle through the muck of the hardness of heart against God.  Psalm 144 says it perfectly "Blessed be the Lord, my rock!"  Trust that Jesus lives in your heart and let him shower you with his mercy to share with everyone you meet so that when people ask the two questions stated above both answers will be "The Christ of God".

There is cause for rejoicing here. You may for a time have to suffer the distress of many trials; but this is so that your faith, which is more precious than the passing splendor of fire-tried gold, may by its genuineness lead to praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ appears. Although you have never seen him, you love him, and without seeing you now believe in him, and rejoice with inexpressible joy touched with glory because you are achieving faith’s goal, your salvation.  1 Peter 1:6-9


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