
And while they were eating, he said, “Amen, I say to you, one of you will betray me.”  Mathew 26:21

Today's Gospel is really about an examination of conscience.  When we sin we betray Jesus.  And when we avoid confession we are saying, 'it is not I, Lord'. I have always wondered about Judas, if he was truly that bad, why did the other Apostles not suspect him immediately as the betrayer.  Jesus always knew and for scriptures to be fulfilled had to have things happen a certain way.  It is troubling to think in how many ways am I like Judas in my life?  Do I sell Jesus out for less?  Of course, do I feel bad and want to reconcile or do I push it aside and say it is not that bad.  We also think of the things that we have done that have hurt Jesus, have you ever thought about things you have not done that hurt him more?   We are called to make Jesus Lord of every area of our life, which is no easy task, but with God anything is possible. 

God our Father, we are exceedingly frail and indisposed to every virtuous and gallant undertaking. Strengthen our weakness, we beseech you, that we may do valiantly in this spiritual war; help us against our own negligence and cowardice, and defend us from the treachery of our unfaithful hearts; for Jesus Christ's sake.


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