not what you want always what you need

So Thomas, called Didymus, said to his fellow disciples, “Let us also go to die with him.” John 11:16 In reading the context of this statement from Thomas he held the same initial approach as Peter, they would think they would have done anything for their Lord. When it came to his final trial they all fled. We do this every day, we flee from Jesus in our sins. But in the end these Apostles all came back to Jesus in the upper room. On Pentecost they were filled with the Holy Spirit and came to truly believe that He was the Messiah, the long awaited Savior of the world. I am perplexed by this line from Thomas in the middle of all that is happening with Mary and Martha on the death of their brother Lazarus. Jesus could have been there while Lazarus was sick and cured him as to not make him suffer. It was strictly for our benefit that Jesus waited as long as he did, before going to comfort the Martha and Mary. Everything Jesu...