Who are you?

Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them, “What are you looking for?”  John 1:38

With what knowledge did they responded, 'Rabbi'?  There thoughts were filled with questions of who this really was that John the Baptist had pointed out to them.  And Jesus's response is the same response he says to us every day,  “Come, and you will see".  Jesus invites us in every moment of our life to come and see what we are truly missing in our lives.  We should not be afraid or doubt what Jesus will be able to accomplish in our lives if we give ourselves to him and follow his footsteps for our life.  Look at the lives of all the Saints and see what Jesus was able to accomplish in each of them.   Do you think for a moment that they did this on their own?  

Lord, I believe that you are the Messiah, the Lamb of God come into the world to save us. Thank you for revealing yourself to us. I humbly offer you now my mind and heart to focus on your Divine Word, so I may better know and understand your will for me.

Changing minds, Moving hearts 


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