Shadows come into the light

John was a burning and shining lamp, and for a while you were content to rejoice in his light.  John 5:35

I love the light that the Saints reveal as the true Salvation of Jesus Christ.  Just as the sun shines through the window showing the dust on a sill, so does the light of the Saints shine through our lives showing the dust that has accumulated on our shelf reminding us of the sin that exists in our lives.  The Saints are a true example of what our lives will be when we turn ourselves over to God.  The same as Jesus' time as it is today, people refuse to believe in his coming and prefer to live in the darkness of sin.  

I find it so interesting that John sent his followers to Jesus to ask if he was the Messiah, when just a short time prior John watched as Jesus approached and he said 'I am not worthy to loosen the straps of his sandals'.  John knew he was the Messiah but he wanted his followers to believe and truly understand who Jesus was.  

 The saints are examples of holiness, but Jesus himself is the source and model of all holiness.

Changing minds moving hearts 


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