Nucleous of the Family

Joseph rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed for Egypt.  Mathew 2:14

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Joseph, Mary and Jesus.  In today's Gospel reading we see Joseph following the will of God to do everything to protect his family.  Today's society is no different today than it was 2000 years ago, we are still trying to destroy the nucleous of the family.  The devil is developing new ways to accomplish this.  St. Elizabeth Ann Seton prophesied this back in the 1800's that the devil would come through a black box, that black box has developed itself over time from the television to now the box that let's the world into your home, the internet.  We are not able to control what is produced but we are able to control what comes in.  We are desensitizing our children to human suffering and then we wonder why we have children who do not care for the well-being of the people around them.  The parents of Jesus had a very unique task, and we will never be the same but that is not to say we should not strive for some level of sacredness toward the family.  We each have an opportunity to be a part of a mother, father or child and that responsibility holds great value in today's society.  God has a plan for each one of us.  Do you trust your heavenly Father in his plan for your life.

Father, give parents the strength to “test everything; retain what is good” (1 Thes 5:21). May parents be holy in their conduct (1 Pt 1:15) so evil has no foothold in the home.

Changing minds, Moving hearts 


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