Fear of following God

Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Luke 1:30

The conversation that the Angel Gabriel had with Mary is a conversation we need to have in order to build our faith and trust in God. Know that God knew you before you were born, you have always had favor with him. We need to respond in the same way Mary did, 'May it be it done to me according to thy word'. Luke 1:38. And when we say "it" we are referring to God's will in our life. God yearns for you 'he calls you by name' John 10:3, he asks us to follow him in the same way he asked the Apostles. Each one of us has a mission on this earth, each one is unique and solely assigned to you, but through sin we get lost and lose our way. Pray to God that he guide your thoughts and actions to be in accord with his will for you. It is no easy task to do the will of God, but always remember nothing is impossible for God if only you let him be your source of love and charity to spread throughout your day. Fix your eyes on Jesus and he will not let you stumble. 

Lord Jesus, by your cross you have redeemed the world. Fill me with joy and confidence and make me a bold witness of your saving truth that others may know the joy and freedom of the Gospel of your kingdom of peace and righteousness.

Change minds, move hearts. 


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