Truly loved

He said, “I tell you truly, this poor widow put in more than all the rest; for those others have all made offerings from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has offered her whole livelihood.” Luke 21:2-4

The signifgance of today's Gospel is this is not a parabale but is actually Jesus looking into the heart of the woman and knowing everything about her. To this day Jesus does the same thing with us, he knows are intwntions before we even begin to move. He knows in your heart whether you are giving from your surplus or from your poverty. When you give out of your love of giving we are giving back to God what he has given us and he will in turn give us more. We can never out do God in generosity. Trust in God with your prayer and your actions and God will guide you to what he has provided you. Never think that the small things you do for someone go unnoticed, God knows what was done out of love rather than what was done out of jest.

"Lex credendi, lex orandi, lex vivendi." It means that the rule of prayer is the rule of faith and the rule of living. As you pray, so you believe. As you believe, so you live.


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