King of the Universe,

 Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Luke 23:42

Today is The Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. When picturing all parts of the Bible and the stories of Jesus I can only think of what Stephanie sees, which is called the beatific vision; seeing as what the Saints see. She has all knowledge of all of Christ's teaching and no longer has any questions. I on the other hand look to her for guidance in understanding everything God has taught me up to this point. So Jesus is hanging on the Cross between two criminals being mocked by them and all that passed by. The line that I get stuck on is the last line of today's Gospel, 'He replied to him, “Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”' The only way that he will be able to be with him today is if there is no realization of time or space in the world to come. Jesus was placed in the tomb for three days, how could St. Dismis be with him in paradise today if not the fact that time does not exist. Just as in the beginning of creation when God created the world and then rested on the seventh day. When we read this with the understanding that time and space do control God we understand that things happen in a different light.  

And when you look at the crowds that stood by and said nothing as Jesus was being mocked, how are you any different in today's society standing by as our church is ridiculed for everything going on in the world. Find inspiration in the good thief for standing up for Jesus in his condemnation from the chief priests and elders. Jesus's church will always defend the most vulnerable in the world today. Jesus died with a few followers standing by the Cross. Everyone else had turned and ran as they did not understand what his Kingdom really was until the Resurrection. 

Whether you believe it not Jesus has been give the power to reign over all of creation. And when you time is up you will meet Jesus and at that point he will ask did you deny me or stand by me? Jesus knows what your answer is.

Lord, help me to be always faithful to Christ my King in the smallest duties of my state in life. 


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