How will you respond

 He summoned him and said, ‘What is this I hear about you?'  Luke 16:2

Are you ready to answer this question if God came to you and asked?  This parable is about the steward who was over charging the master's debtors to put more money in his own pocket.   He was not being honest in his work towards his master.  Jesus will come to you and ask you to make account for everything you have done, and the question is have you been honest with all your dealings?  Only you are able to answer the question regarding the account of your life and like it or not you will be kept honest.  Be aware God knows all and God sees all so in the end you will not be able to hid anything from our God who is all knowing.  It is interesting thinking about this parable that instead of dismissing him immediately he gave him time, Jesus knew in the heart of the steward was a kindness that the steward would do what is right in the eyes of the master.  In turn Jesus is letting us know we have an opportunity to do what is right in the eyes of God and make ammends for the things we have done.  Don't wait to long or your time may run out.

Jesus Christ, where else can I turn each day but to you? One day, I will make that final turn to you, and it will last for all eternity. Yet as in everything else, you set the pace, you take the initiative, and you are the protagonist. You will turn and look my way first and I, as I strive daily to do, will respond and gaze back into your eyes. This moment of prayer is a rehearsal for that final turn to you. 


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