ask, seek, knock

 I cannot get up to give you anything. I tell you, if he does not get up to give him the loaves because of their friendship, he will get up to give him whatever he needs because of his persistence.  Luke 11:8

Do you expect God to give you what you need without asking?  Since he is and all knowing God do we expect him to just give us everything and not have to ask?  If that is what you believe then there is no need for God because you have everything.  If  you have everything then your life is complete and you have the answers to true happiness and there is no need for anything else.  No trials or bumps in the road can affect you because you have it all figured out.   For us that live in the real world, believe that we have a free will to do as we choose but know that our choices affect what our conscience tells us is true.  As the friend that asks for the bread in the middle of the night, his persistence is similar to how we approach God in prayer.  Do you ask with a humble and contrite heart or are you demanding and condescending.  God is not your slave but more a servant to provide and your persistence in prayer will be rewarded greater than a 'me first' attitude.  Mathew 7:7 tells us 'to ask and keep on asking', for he is an all knowing and all loving God and if we keep asking he will always give us what we need. 

Dear Jesus, so often I expect you to take care of me without my having to ask. Help me to live my dependence on you through the practice of asking you for my needs. Increase my faith through my prayer so that I see my real dependence on you and how much you do for me. 


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