where is God calling you...

Jesus made the disciples get into a boat and precede him to the other side of the sea, while he dismissed the crowds.   Mathew 14:22

Are there times in your life where Jesus is telling you to do something?  Faith in Jesus telling you what to do is doing his will.  Or was it more that Jesus wanted to be alone to pray since he went up the mountain.  Meditating on the silence is a beautiful time to pray when it is just you and him.  Find comfort in God and being alone with him.  While Jesus was praying he sensed their need and went to them.  It is this same way that God senses our need and comes to us when the storm in our life is tossing us about.  He comes to us and asks us to get out of the boat and walk to him, but in our human nature we lack the faith that he will provide everything and we start to sink and we need to reach out and grab his hand for him to hold us up.  

Know that God is bigger than anything else in your life go to him in your trials and he will walk you through the storm to the calm waters.  

Lord Jesus, help me to trust you always and to never doubt your presence and your power to help me. In my moments of doubt and weakness, may I cling to you as Peter did. Strengthen my faith that I may walk straight in the path you set before me, neither veering to the left nor to the right.


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