Jesus is the answer

Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets.  I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.  Mathew  5:17

To do the will of God is to understand what the fulfillment of the law really means.  Am I doing right if I do the least possible for any particular activity during my day?  Am I doing right if I stand idle while someone talks bad about a person that I do not know or that I do not like?  

Jesus did not come into this world to recreate all that God had created, he came to answer the questions we have around what God created.  He fulfilled everything that was written in the old testament that was prophesied and is answered in the new testament with his words that were spoken.  Jesus tells us a little later that eventually heaven and earth will pass, but until then his law will stand as a testament for all generations.  And if you abide by the law in following the commandments you will  be with the greatest in heaven. 

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for this time of prayer. Do not let me be content simply to do the minimum that my faith asks of me. Do not let me be content simply with avoiding grave sin. Help me to live the fullness of the law of charity. I want this Lent to be a time of growth in love. 


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