
Showing posts from April, 2022

Trust in His Presence

They wanted to take him into the boat, but the boat immediately arrived at the shore to which they were heading.  John 6:21 How often do you want to take Jesus into you boat bit he has already given you what you need?  The disciples of Jesus were in a boat in the dark of night and the sea was stirred up.  The same thing happens in our lives when we it is dark and the wind has made our heart restless.  We we feel that Jesus is distant in our lives and we feel alone and afraid.  Jesus reminds us constantly we are never alone for I am with you always.  How often we reach a point that, ok Jesus I have struggled enough I should have asked for help a long time ago, but he knew what you needed and provided for you before you finished asking.  Jesus is always at your side ready  to guide your boat through the rough times to the place you were heading.   And they arrived immediately, God is not restricted by time.  They were in the middle of the sea and in a moment they

Our Emmaus Moment

“Were not our hearts burning [within us] while he spoke to us on the way and opened the scriptures to us?”  Luke 24:32 This scripture passage is where it all began for us.  Stephanie and I were sitting in a garden at a church in Sedona and praying for direction.  (Picture  of  the flower garden and of us in the garden)  A man walked past and asked, "what are you praying about".  From this point forward he changed our lives.  We sat and talked to him for hours, and he truly opened the scriptures for us, this was our "Emmaus moment".  He said things in a way that made sense and showed us what God was telling us in the scriptures and how that played into our lives.  Our hearts before this were not open to what God was trying to tell us, "Oh, how foolish you are! How slow of heart to believe all that the prophets spoke!". (Luke 24:25)  What does that mean?  What are you telling us?  It took a while to comprehend but eventually it made s

Faith leads to Life

They approached, embraced his feet, and did him homage.  Mathew 28:9 When you greet Jesus, how do you react?  Do you bow at his feet and give him the respect he deserves?  Do you remember what he did for you?  Do you know that just 4 short days ago he hung upon a cross to take away your sins?  Do you truly understand what this world would be if the suffering, death and resurrection never occurred?  Where your life would be?  Try reading Leviticus chapter 18 or Numbers chapter 11 and see if this would be a better life that you would like to follow.  Jesus Christ came into this world to save us from all sin and for that I will always bow at his feet and thank him for everything that he has done for me.   There are people that will persecute Jesus and deny him.  There are people who will not follow his commandments and beatitudes.  There are people who just can not find time to give him the Adoration and respect he deserves.  There are people who just can not believe in Jesus.  Think of t

Easter is coming...

Amen, amen, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin.  John 8:34 We are less than two weeks away from Easter and this is our opportunity to seek God's forgiveness.  We are all sinners, until you can admit that you don't stand a chance.  Once you admit that you are a sinner you need to understand that God wants to forgive you of your sins.  There is alot of discussion around confession and what is right and what is wrong.  First look at what John 20:23 says, "If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven" and then look at Leviticus 19:21-22 "he shall bring his compensation to the Lord, to the entrance of the tent of meeting,  a ram for a guilt offering. And the priest shall make atonement for him with the ram of the guilt offering before the Lord for his sin that he has committed, and he shall be forgiven for the sin that he has committed ".  The bible is an amazing