Trust in His Presence

They wanted to take him into the boat, but the boat immediately arrived at the shore to which they were heading. John 6:21 How often do you want to take Jesus into you boat bit he has already given you what you need? The disciples of Jesus were in a boat in the dark of night and the sea was stirred up. The same thing happens in our lives when we it is dark and the wind has made our heart restless. We we feel that Jesus is distant in our lives and we feel alone and afraid. Jesus reminds us constantly we are never alone for I am with you always. How often we reach a point that, ok Jesus I have struggled enough I should have asked for help a long time ago, but he knew what you needed and provided for you before you finished asking. Jesus is always at your side ready to guide your boat through the rough times to the place you were heading. And they arrived immediately, God is not restricted by time. Th...