
At that time Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. Mathew 4:1 When Jesus battles the devil it is never with sword or stick. The weapon he uses is prayer and the word of God. The devil is a fallen angel. He knows scripture just as well as Jesus, he just does not bow down to it. He believes he is as powerful as scripture. When Jesus answers his questions he realizes he has been defeated, but he is always willing to try again. He will never give up until the second coming when God fulfills all his promises. The devil has now turned his attacks on us the weak flesh of the chosen people. He knows how to defeat our will and if we allow him to he will succeed, but we also can defeat him if we too turn to prayer and scripture to defeat his temptation. God will bring you through if you only ask and believe that he is the One true God. That is why we need to always be prepar...